Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Beginning

I have registered for my first ever 5km race. On July 20th, 2013 I will be running in the color me rad 5 km race. I am excited, nervous and a bit overwhelmed as I know this is going to be a lot of work. It has been over a year (almost two) since I last went out for a run so I feel I am starting all over again. 

I have done lots of research and while research is great, it hasn't gotten me outside and running yet. There is still snow on the ground and since I am a fair weather runner, I have to wait for it to melt. Or at least until the sidewalks are clear. I have a running stroller to put my son in when I go for runs. It is my hope to eventually be able to run with him and my dog but I think I will have to start with one or the other. 

My hope with this blog is to use it for accountability and record of my training and progress from starting all over again with running, getting in shape and being the person I want to be health wise. 

Since I won't be starting with running outside, I have bought some Jillian Michael's DVD's and we have an exercise bike I hope to get on at least 3 times a week. My goal is to make fitness part of my day everyday even if it is just walking the dog. I want to change my lifestyle to include healthy choices so that I can be active and keep up with my son. 

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